KLRSD Rate Letter
August 04, 2022
Dear Neighbor:
Greetings! We hope you are having another wonderful summer at Koontz Lake. It is exciting to
see the growth, development and improvements around, and in, the lake.
As you may know, the Koontz Lake Regional Sewer District was established in 2011 and came
online in 2012. The District provides service to nearly 900 homes and local businesses, including
Swan Lake. On average, more than 65,000 gallons of wastewater are treated each day.
During the first 10 years of operation, the monthly service rate remained unchanged at $55.02.
Your board effectively managed the operation, along with our partners at JPR and Astbury, while
creating a reserve for needed improvements. As we prepare for the next 10 years of operation,
we have several capital improvement projects that require our attention to ensure the efficient
operation of the wastewater plant and the grinder station at your home. The total anticipated
investment of these projects is more than $1.5 million, which depletes our reserve fund.
As a result, a rate increase of $4.98 per month, or $60 per month, is needed starting January 1,
2023. We recognize a rate increase impacts each of us and there is seldom a desire to pay more;
however, the modest increase after 10 years of a flat rate is needed to continue to deliver the
service to you.
We invite you to learn more and ask your questions at the District’s public hearing on the
proposed rate increase Tuesday, August 16, 2022. The meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. Central and
will take place in-person at the District’s Administrative Building (10625 Prairie Avenue
Walkerton, IN).
Thank you for your continued support of Koontz Lake and the District’s work to provide a safe
and effective wastewater system.
Jeff Jarnecke
Board President